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Resources, Mods and Socials
Part of the crew, part of the stew
This website has no connection to the original game or the creators in any
way, shape or form. It is solely a means to and and - a way to help new
Let's go eat eachother!
players get the game and join the community.

The Fandom Wiki was created by Dread Hunger players and will tell you the basics of the game.
Feel free to write new articles or expand existing ones.
Fandom Wiki
About me
Dookuwindu is what I go by online.
I'm a lab tech turned IT guy, turned server guy, now transitioning into back-end development.
Dread Hunger has been a favourite game for years now, and I want to help keep it going strong. Hopefully it comes back for sale one day and this page becomes redundant.

Day of the blizzard
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