The Dread Hunger in-game overlay was created by Serega and Vule over at the Unofficialdreadhunger server on Discord.
It's a fantastic tool to host both vanilla and modded servers, as well as a practical shortcut to immediately connect to any lobby's IP, including servers you yourself host (just ignore the settings, enter the IP and click "join"). No more firing up the boiler and sailing out of the docks before you can enter an IP and start the game.
The usual files for the overlay is also being uploaded to github, but they only work for people who bought Dread Hunger on Steam. If you got your Dread Hunger game from directly or from this page indirectly, you need to add some extra files so that the game doesn't break. At the bottom of the page, you will find two files you can choose from, one is for Steam bought DH, one is for non-Steam DH.
All the files were sent to me by the creators themselves.
The In-Game Overlay

This is what the overlay looks like. To see how to use it and what it can do, as well as an explanation for all the mods, take a look here.
The quick version is to click "O" (for Overlay) to open it. It's wise to click on Escape first to get the mouse pointer visible.

This is what it should look like inside the Win64 folder when you have inserted
all the files. If Windows asks you to replace any files when you insert them, click yes.
Click directly on the file name or select download in the menu to the right. Do not use checkmark-boxes on the left!
There is no need to apply for a membership and no applicants will be approved.

This is what you'll see when you extract the NonSteamOverlay you downloaded below. Mark all of the files and drag and drop them into:
YourGameInstallLocation\Games\Dread Hunger\DreadHunger\binaries\Win64